
Here, you can find information about how to play Ingress. Please feel free to share and distribute this page with other players, and link to this page on Google+ or anywhere else. Click one of the Directory links below to get started!

Game Mechanics: Mods (Hacking/Linking) - COMING SOON!
Game Mechanics: Linking & Fielding - COMING SOON!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Game Mechanics: Resonators

Welcome, and thanks for checking in, Agents.

Here, I intend to explain the mechanics of what might be Ingress' most important items, Resonators. Resonators, also called Resos for short, are used to capture a portal and defend it from enemy attack. 

They are used in-game via the   DEPLOY   option after clicking on a Portal and viewing the Portal Menu.

Note that in this picture, I am not within the 40m effective range, so the box shows
  DEPLOY status   instead of   DEPLOY resonator  .

After selecting the DEPLOY command, you will see a circle of 8 figures, each of which will be either blank (meaning that no Resonator is present), or have a Level number attached, as well as a blue (for Resistance-controlled Resonators) or green (for Enlightened-controlled Resonators) background and Energy bar that shows how much Energy the Resonator has remaining.

From this screen, there are several important things to notice. First, you see the Portal's current status: Portal Level (LVL), Link Range (RNG), and Current/Maximum Energy (ENR). In addition, it is here that you can Deploy and Upgrade Resonators on this portal. Keep in mind that XM is consumed when Deploying or Upgrading, and the amount of XM needed increases with the level of the Resonator being placed. When deploying, it is important to remember that the figure with a red dot (the bottom figure in the above screenshot) indicates which Resonator slot faces North. This is a meaningful location when deploying Resonators, as it allows you to choose the position of each Resonator you Deploy, and can help you place your strongest Resonator in such a way that it will be hardest to destroy. To use an example, let's assume that Portal A is a plaque next to the Grand Canyon, and that the canyon lies due North of the Portal. It would be wise to place your strongest Resonator to the North of the Portal, because it will be impossible to stand close to its location, and thus it will be hardest to destroy.

In the image below, we see a Neutral Portal, one that is uncontrolled by either faction. All of the Resonator slots are blank. From here, Deploying a Resonator will Capture the Portal.

Also notice that each Resonator shows the name of the Player that deployed it. In the image below, I have selected an empty Resonator slot (the one with the red North dot). After I select the Resonator of my choice by swiping left or right on the list of Resonators I have in my inventory, I can click the   CONFIRM   button to Deploy the Resonator into the chosen slot. It is also possible to see the effects that placing a Resonator will have on a Portal's Portal Level (LVL) and Link Range (RNG). For example, the image below tells me that placing my Level 8 Resonator will bring the Portal from Level 3 to Level 4 (thus the +1 listed), and increase its Link Range from 20km to 57km (as shown by the +37 km).

Deploying, Upgrading, and Destroying Resonators are some of the ways to gain AP and level up in the game. An Agent receives 125 AP for Deploying a Resonator, and 65 AP for Upgrading a Resonator (but no AP is earned for Upgrading one's own Resonator). Furthermore, an Agent receives 500 AP for Deploying the first Resonator on a non-Deployed Portal (called Capturing the Portal), and 250 AP for Deploying and filling the last Resonator slot (called fully powering a Portal). The amount of AP gained for deploying or Upgrading a Resonator in any way is unaffected by the level of the Resonator, level of the Portal, and level of the Agent.

When a Resonator is attacked by an opposing faction Agent's XMP Burster, it loses some of its Energy. If its Energy reaches 0, the Resonator is destroyed. An Agent receives 75 AP for destroying a Resonator.

Lastly, choosing to Recharge a Portal's Resonators allows you to keep the current Resonators charged without upgrading them. This is important for Portal longevity. However, when Recharging, lots of XM is consumed. A single Recharge requires 1000 XM, and a single Level 8 Resonator has a maximum Energy capacity of 6000; this means that a Level 8 Portal (having eight Level 8 Resonators) has a total Energy capacity of 48000, and since 1000 XM = 1000 Energy, an Agent would need 48000 XM in order to recharge a diminished Level 8 Portal. Wow, that's a whopping six Level 8 Power Cubes! Unfortunately, because of this, Recharging a Portal is often overlooked by many Agents, despite the fact that the Recharger medal requires it. In addition, an Agent receives 10 AP for Recharging Resonators.

Finer points of Deploying, Upgrading, and Recharging Resonators will be discussed in a later post. For now, I think we've covered a great deal of information. Check back to this page as often as needed to answer any questions about Resonators, or feel free to shoot me a message in game at @EliteFerrex with any questions. I hope this information serves you well.

Good luck out there--it's time to move, Agent!


  1. New images added to show Neutral Portal and the Portal Level-up progress when adding Resonators, as well as some other information.

  2. Thank you, this is very helpful – and I'm not quite a newbie, I'm L10. But the very dark red color you use for mentioning L8 portals and resos is almost invisible on the black background, especially on a 2½ x 4¼" scanner screen! Please make it lighter, or put it on a lighter background.

    For the glory of the game,
    Agent Udinth
